by The Keepers Arms | Apr 28, 2021 | Fishing

St Mogues Island (Q) which houses the ruins of his monastery is situated in the centre of the lake and is of historically interest.
Access the lake via St. Peters Church (R), over the style to the shore bank or keep left at the church carpark.
Boats can be launched from the boathouse and this is the best way if you are fishing for Pike.
by The Keepers Arms | Apr 28, 2021 | Education & Events

Located just outside Bawnboy village.
This was an Ulster Plantation Fort, possibly built on the site of an old Magauran stronghold probably around 1610/15.
The place name Bawnboy derives from the Irish, An
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– The Yellow Bawn Buí (boy) meaning yellow, received its name from the colour of the sand used in the building of the Bawn. .
by The Keepers Arms | Apr 28, 2021 | Heritage

Discover your Cavan ancestry at this centre, where its database holds more than half a million records of baptism, marriages, burials, and census.
Located in the Johnston Library Cavan –
by The Keepers Arms | Apr 14, 2021 | Equestrian
Drumcoura City has an Equestrian Centre specialising in Western Horse Riding. It has the largest covered arena in Leitrim, two outdoor arenas, horse riding trails, an archery range, an outdoor tennis court and a jetty for fishing on Drumcoura Lake.
If you have ever dreamed about riding an American Horse like the ones in the Western films, this is the place for you. Even beginners will learn western riding with a few
Drumcoura City is the Home of the COWBOYS AND HEROES COUNTRY MUSIC AND AMERICANA FESTIVAL on June Bank Holiday Weekend.
by The Keepers Arms | Apr 14, 2021 | Equestrian
Specializing in International Sales. Also stages weekly show jumping and international events.
The superb facilities include – 450 permanent stables, 3 indoor, 2 outdoor all weather arena & 3 grass arenas.
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